Originally Posted by local_dirt

Yes. Daytime is possible.

1. Better Swordfishing north of the Keys
2. Guys/captains doing daytime, because it's easier. smile

Glad you guys had a good time.

Not just possible, sir. Productive (for many, us not included this time around). I'd agree that it's in some ways easier, as you said. Like most things when dealing with a daylight vs night environment, I suppose. Swords as I understand it mostly stay deep, in the twilight/dysphotic zone (200-1000 meters below surface) in daylight. At night they come much closer to the surface. Which explains why commercial long-line sword fishermen locally catch their swords with baits only 30-50 feet down. Also on the plus side, with daytime sword fishing there's no need to play the dodge-the-cargo-ships-in-the-dark game.

But thanks for the sentiment. Even though we got skunked on swords the only day we were able to fish for them, we did have lots of fun, brought some other fish over the rails and enjoyed just fooling around in general. And I *will* have my big swordfish one day, that I do know.
