As M3taco pointed out, Jan du Plessis of Sebra Hunting Safaris in Kamanjab Namibia has a Leopard hunt on offer for $17,500 all in for a 14 day hunt. I’ve hunted Plainsgame FIVE times with Jan, and can attest that he has lots of Leopards on his ranch. In addition, Jan has excellent relations with all the neighboring ranchers, so if Leopard hunting is slow on his property, he can move his hunter to an active area where a big Tom Leopard is hitting the bait. I’ve never hunted Leopards with Jan because of my limited financial resources, but I’ve shot bait animals for him (Gemsbok, baboons, Zebra) and checked baits while out pursuing Plainsgame. An additional benefit is the gourmet food prepared by Jan’s wife Mariesje.

Jesus saves, but Moses invests