Found out a few years ago two of my ancestors were chiefs of the Mississippi Choctaw Tribe, one of whom led the Choctaw Native Americans on the “Trail of Tears” in the early 1800’s from Mississippi to the “Indian Nation” in Oklahoma. Henry Nail, chief of the Choctaw from late 1700’s to early 1800’s; and George Hawkins, chief for several decades in the early 1800’s who actually led my ancestors to Oklahoma during the forced “relocation”. Cool stuff, but sad. Nowadays I wish I was running around wearing only a loincloth on a bareback horse with a feather in my long hair, and only a flint knife, flint spear, and only a bow and arrow to my name! Oh, and also a voluptuous squaw; lol!! I’ve told my wife for years that I was born in the wrong century. I absolutely despise this modern slavery society

Smith and Wessons are Thoroughbreds; Rugers are Clydesdales —John Taffin