Originally Posted by Seafire

Chase has really been no problem, but this is the second time they have caused an issue, and left me stranded.

I dropped what I was doing and went down into CA, 500 miles from home. drove straight thru, but when I got down there I was relieved to hear he had come out of his unconscious state.. and no broken bones, thank God. I left with a fresh tank of gas put into my Camry the day before and what ever was in my wallet..

I stopped at the local Costco to get gas. Debit card declined... three times.
I had $20 in my wallet.

Go to my local branch, where I know the Bank Manager from involvement in Boy Scouts.

This follows after the last time I got this card. I was in Arizona on business. Stop to get gas and find my card declined. This is like 2016... 1500 miles from home.

This is twice, that I have been left stranded up schitt creek without a paddle by these people, pompous New York City based elitist bank. Just changing banks when you are a business is a pain in the ass, especially in Oregon with our democRats in charge. That is why I didn't dump them back in 2016.

Dear Shefire,

Sincerely hate to hear of your misfortune. Why do bad things happen to great people?

Is the Boy Scout motto no longer "Be Prepared"? Admittedly I don't follow the goings on of pedo organizations real closely so perhaps its changed.

To think this could have all been avoided with a credit card and some action on your part 5 years ago after the first time they had you grab your ankles and raw dogged you. OR, even simpler, keeping more than a 20 on your person like a grown man would have kept your ass out of the sling.

"Fail to plan, plan to fail" - Unknown (definitely not Shefire though)