Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by stxhunter
Seventy's trump both.
We took our guns to school to hunt on the way home or shoot them on the school range after classes let out. We rode the back roads shooting woodchucks out the window of our trucks and nobody cared. We hunted all over because there was still a lot of unposted land and if it didn't have signs nobody cared. We shot pigeons from under the bridge at the edge of town and nobody called the cops, even though you could hear the reports all over town. We rode our bicyles through town with guns strapped across the handle bars and nobody paid any mind. If the cops saw you and your buds carrying guns through town they'd just smile and wave. Things have sure gone to shyt since then.


No, you just live in a [bleep].
They still let kids take guns to school in Montana ?