Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Originally Posted by kk alaska
I hunt with them also use them for shooting sticks, cant see the need for shooting sticks when you have hiking poles.
I carry just 1. It's great for hiking and I've learned to use it as a shooting stick by propping it against something else, from my leg to a bush, whatever's available. Trying to fumble with 2 poles and a rifle is more trouble than it's worth.

I';ve never found a need (or desire) for 2 hiking sticks. 1 is sufficient for crossing streams, hiking uphill/uneven terrain.

Why 2? You shouldnt be using your upper body to ascend.

Use as shooting sticks in nice, but I carry thinner sticks for that. But 2 to shoot off of, ok. But for hiking? I'll keep a free hand, thanks.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.