The other day I was on a stand up fork truck, tight place we don't normally
run them. Had issues in front, backed up and stopped. Just as the corner
of a double stacked pallet came through the entry opening and hit me in the hip. Pushed me about an inch. Six inches more and my hip would have been crushed.

That was a wake up call!

Injury potential? Oh, yeah!
Life changing!

Missed it by inches.
Saved by chance.

I felt so. I'M not supposed to do schidt like that. (I do).
You can post game every accident and find the mistakes that made it

Yet people get hurt every day.
The ones that produce, that is.

The ones that post game, and judge so harshly, usually drive a desk and
And have titles like HR, or Risk Mitagation.

Funny PS.

Work consults with a safety/hazardous materials consultant to
satisfy requirements and reduce insurance rates.

He live hours away, and stays in a motel when he conducts
our annual training.

2 years ago, he had been there from 4-6pm,
returned at midnight, training until 2.

Returned for the 8-11am training.
About noon, he was leaving and pulled out in front of a car.
At the end of the driveway!
Our Safety Guru!

(Sh)it happens.

This guy (shooter/shootee) did screw up.
Shame they didn't charge him. wink
A trial would have been fascinating.

"Can you ID the guy who shot you? Point to him."
"Would you like to address the defendant?"
"WOULD you like to make and apology to the victim?" grin

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 06/19/21.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!