Many years ago I shot an 80# Hoyt. I was shooting 3 or 4 days a week and regularly shot broadheads at 60 yards. I did shoot a small buck at 53 yards. BUT it was across the corner of a soy bean field from one edge to another AND he gave me time to use the range finder.
It is a whole lot diferent than try to shoot in the woods where your arrow has unseen branches along the path of the arrow's arc. Have you noticed how 3D shoots offer longer shots, but the trails are cleared to be wide open? There is a reason for that.
Since going to recurves, my shots now have to be 20 yards and under.
I often hear crossbow guys tout the range of them, but their trajectory is no better than a good compound. And once you get to 40 yards, the momentum is less.
Stay under 30...

Last edited by WStrayer; 07/10/21.