Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I’m curious how this would work.

A guy in Mississippi states his intention to take an elk in Colorado with a muzzleloader during archery season, hasn’t done it yet, just stated an intention.

So you call Colorado Fish and Game with a name, probable location and a license plate number?

I can tell you from experience that most good poaching cases in my state are made from information furnished by someone very familiar with the poacher. It goes like this. The neighbor calls Colorado F&G now and lines up who is the proper contact person for that area since he knows where poacher neighbor camps and hunts. Tells the GW where the camp is, what vehicle to look out for, what the modus operandi is and any evasive actions known. And then says ''I'll call you when he leaves Mississippi. After that it is a piece of cake if a good officer is on the case. I never was too proud to ask a private citizen how he would do it if he was trying to catch the one he was telling me about. I never worried about an informants motive, my concern was whether or not he was being truthful. I understood that if he liked the poacher he wouldn't be calling me.

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