Originally Posted by AGL4now
Originally Posted by Adk_BackCountry
If a non-resident hunter or hiker was hunting or backpacking in Alaska could she or he carry, or even purchase a pistol in Alaska?

In the "Field" Yes, as far as Alaska laws. Would still be subject to convicted felon federal restriction. To purchase they would need to meet BATF&E requirements, but most important would be having valid identification. Now if it is illegal for you to possess said handgun in you resident state or country, you would need to leave it here (Maybe a safe deposit box) or sell it. It might get grey area, if you were concealed carrying in an urban area. Alaska has that pretty much reserved for residents, that meet the simple requirements.

Being clueless never slows you down! That is a rare talent!

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.