Originally Posted by Adk_BackCountry
If a non-resident hunter or hiker was hunting or backpacking in Alaska could she or he carry, or even purchase a pistol in Alaska?
Yes you can carry, open or concealed anywhere in AK, except for closed areas like Federal buildings, courthouses, bars, etc.

Unless they have probable cause police cannot even ask for ID.

There is no such thing as a standard background check. NICS checks are absolutely reserved for changes in possession.
Originally Posted by ryoushi
Originally Posted by Adk_BackCountry
So, a routine background check? I was thinking of how immpossible it would be to bring a pistol through Canada to get to Alaska. Even when the border reopens. Driving not flying.

You CANNOT bring a pistol through Canada. You can fly with one to Alaska or take one on the ferry, but you can't cross the border into Canada with one. Long guns are another story but you need to have your paperwork in order before you get to the border crossing.

How does one get through Canada after you leave the ferry? Ferries through Canada to Seward or Whittier are rare, if they are even running them this year.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.