I have two. An early Cooper 57M Classic with a 6X36LR in super low rings, and a 1954 39A with similar vintage Lyman 56MC and sourdough front. My eyes aren’t good enough anymore to really make the 39A shoot, but I will never have it drilled and tapped for scope, wouldn’t be right! grin

OK, three. It doesn’t have the same emotional attachment as the first two, but my silhouette rifle is a forever rifle. A Holeshot Arms RBLP 2500X with Bix n’Andy 2-stage Tacsport trigger and 2-groove Benchmark in a Wooster stock with 25X Leupold on top. There’s no “up” from it.

Anybody who seriously concerns themselves with the adequacy of a Big 7mm for anything we hunt here short of brown bear, is a dufus. They are mostly making shidt up. Crunch! Nite-nite!

Stolen from an erudite CF member.