Originally Posted by smarquez
Originally Posted by Spotshooter
Up to about 2 years ago Scheels would give you a decent price on a trade in gun - at least the one here in Kansas City.
then they got a new manager and they changed their policies and they now offer less for a trade in than Cabelas…. CABELAS !!

The price they offer has little to nothing to do with the blue book value - so I’m done with them if I can avoid them…. WOW.

Once they got a new manager, they place reminds me a a shister gun store.. a complete 180 from where they were originally…

It isn't the manager. It's the corporate policy change.

I think you are right - And so many of the Corporate guys have killed good stores because they are “SMARTER”….

Odd thing is they never stay around more than 3 years because if they do their incompetence begins to show…. The problem is they know that and play the game well and just get promoted to where they can blame others.