I always get my health advise on twitter ... LOL

There were over 90 deaths during that period, and 37 had been vaxed.

average hospitalizations were about 225 per week, 80 were vaxed.

Almost all the vaxed had health issues aside from Rona. Hypertension, diabetic, etc.

Locally we are running almost 90% unvaxed in the hospital, same as most places across the country that are having a run of Delta. I know someone vaxxed that is very sick right now.

Someone else do the math and prove me wrong, the numbers are what they are. In places were the hospital systems get overwhelmed there will be lockdown again. The models are not looking good for this fall. Hawaii is already fugged, lots of obese people there, they are already running short of beds and staff and it's just the start of this round. I expect by September Hawaii will be in lockdown again. Places like Montana will just stack patients and call in the guard to change diapers.

disclaimer: I in no way condone lockdowns, forced vaccines, etc. I just like to under understand what is going to happen so I'm not caught off guard. My best guess is things are going to [bleep] this fall, it will be as bad as the spike last year in terms of hospitalizations and deaths. Lock downs just spread it out, they won't stop it from running it's course.

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne