77, going on 20 years retired, have the same wife for 54 years, 3 families, 8 grand kids
Health is good (both of us) more spending money now than ever before, more toys than time allows.
But sitting on the front porch in the morning watching the sun come up I know that I have a limited future, hope 5 to 10 years, already beat my father who died at 47, mom passed at 90.
I think now I have more respect for every day I have, thank God every morning for giving me another day.
My kids say they will never let me life in a nursing home, and I believe them, they also know that when it's time to pull the plug there will be no hesitation, being alive is much different that living, some damn hospital is not going to drain my kids inheritance by keeping m e alive with tubes and machines.
As you get older and you know your days (years) are numbered, you have a tendency to look back and realize just how fast your life has wizzed by, sorry for some of your choices, glad about others, but would not do it over .
Enjoy every day, see the sunshine, smell the roses, love you wife and family.

Last edited by jbmi; 09/02/21.

"The older I get, the better I was"