Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
I think his beliefs are popular in Toronto. I believe living in a big city scares some people. The news they watch every night helps to program an anti-gun response. They are constantly told by their leaders that eliminating guns will make their lives safer.

Scared people will accept any solution to feel better. Even wrong ones.

I can’t see him benefiting from that fear or any anti-gun legislation. He’s lived with the uglier side of humanity, in a big city, all his life. He doesn’t see any other solution. He is unwilling to talk with others to find a way forward.

Seems very Un-Liberal of him.

Prohibition justified by manipulation of Fear !

They could be much more productive by policing the illegal street gun trade,
instead of squandering public resources harassing legitimate law abiding gun owners.

The municipal grants for imposing Hand Gun bans, is just a end run boon doggie which will be abused by the politicos with their snouts in the trough, Ha

Fund and promote construction of safe shooting ranges. I’d vote for that !

History May Not Repeat, But it Rhymes.