It's about power and control, which the Liberals almost lost in this election... So.... anything goes for holding onto power; telling lies and fear mongering! The best place for that is Toronto where the majority know little to nothing about how the rest of Canadians live! I'm from Eastern Canada (New Brunswick) and a small fishing community but have lived in Montreal, Hamilton, Halifax and Toronto where any thoughts of enjoying "nature" is in a luxurious waterfront "cabin" outside "The Big City"! There may be the occasional skunk, coon or coyote roaming nearby, but what's that? They already have that in "The Big City" where wildllife is "protected" by political "experts" who know best! So Trudeau and company were raised in such a culture, and know little to nothing of how the majority of Canadians live... and they think a ban on guns will inspire a majority to thank them... including Bill Blair!

Just ponder this for 2 seconds... 31% of Canadians WHO VOTED "chose Trudeau" (according to our Liberal media) to rule ALL Canadians again! According to the Liberal media: CBC, CTV and Global, that was a "good thing" as we can now count on a steady diet of "sameness"! But that's also the direction of the world that has rejected the true God and his Son!


"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul" - Jesus