I'm at the point that a new dot is just budgeted into the cost of a new carry gun. I don't see any reason to not have one. With the caveat that on a carry gun it HAS to be a quality dot. Not a justasgoodas dot or a dot "to try it out and see how I like it".

As far as the distances people are mentioning, for the most part they're wrong. With a dot I can shoot KDF's hat qual in about 15 seconds (10 shots, 25 yards, 90 or better on a B8). At 15 yards it's much faster. For the people who are just going to "run away" from a threat at or beyond 15 yards....Where are you going to run? If I'm hitting a 6" circle every 1-1.5 seconds at that distance, where do you think you'll be able to go? The answer is somewhere with a bullet in you. And I'm not particularly fast or accurate.

And 15 yards is not unreasonable. In my home I can see exterior doors from 40' in four places. That's not uncommon if you go measure homes built in the last 10 years.

I've found that a dot isn't any slower up close. At 15-25 yards I can make the same shots that I can with irons in about half the time. And beyond that a dot basically doubles the distance I can make a particular shot. What I can do at 25 with irons I can do at 50 with a dot.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling