I taught Introduction to Trades and Advanced Manufacturing to High School students this past year.

The students all easily grasped Metric. One, divided by ten, divided by ten etc.

Only a couple students were familiar with reading a standard tape measure and read one easily, they all became competent with a metric tape.

Tenths of an inch, rather than 16ths, added another layer of unnecessary complication, Metric is still a tenth of a tenth ...

How many ounces in a pound? How many ounces in a gallon?

Familiarity with a system that doesn't make sense, isn't justification to keep doing things the same way if you have a better, easier way that does make sense.
Try teaching it and see which WORKS best....

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen