Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Ok boys and girls, there’s been a spate of hard talk. Let’s see how many hard asses there are.

Don’t post “what you would do if”. Don’t puff up and say “if it was me” etc etc.

Post when you quit or are fired over your employer requiring the kungflu shot. By no means do you need to name your employer. Your word will suffice.

It appears that reading is a challenge for some and that fear is contagious. Fear of the plague or vaccination is understandable considering the lack of honesty in reporting all facets of the situation. Taking a stand either way is a decision that should be equally respected as only the decider knows the circumstances leading to their choice. Fear of not riding the CF bandwagon is amusing.

To address the essence of the question: When I was working at the peak of my career it was in a position that could not be duplicated elsewhere. I had spent my adult life preparing to be employed in a job that was challenging and rewarding and allowed me to give my 4 kids every advantage. Had making this choice become necessary I would have complied without hesitation or regret.

To conflate the vac mandate choice w/ patriotism or intellect is ignorant. It is certainly an abhorrent govt. over reach but reality sucks. Decide for yourself and respect the decision of others.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC