I firmly believe, during the dating (actually an evaluation process similar to a hiring evaluation) the woman subconsciously says to herself, 'OK most of the boxes are checked, this one will suffice with a little character molding and behavioral guidance on my part'. So then the long marriage journey begins, and with each succeeding year she becomes more disappointed at the lack of success with the husband training. He is not responding well, and even in spite of 'community property' laws and 'no fault divorce', which are designed to make him more trainable, he may be giving quite a bit of pushback. At this point she is really upset, and may go off the reservation, and /or they decide to seek "expert" or "professional" help. She fully expects the expert to see the problem her way, and if the expert doesn't, then, of course, the expert is an incompetent idiot. Money wasted. All over a failure to become a different man than the one she married. I envy the fellows here who have what I call a Paul Harvey marriage, a rare condition in this day and age.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.