There was a shortage of truckers before the pandemic. The truckers knew they could get another job at the drop of a hat, so they'd quit their job whenever they wanted a long vacation. Then get another. The trucking companies didn't just want to hire someone with a CDL license. They wanted someone with a CDL license and at least two years of experience.

California passed a law that says non-electric trucks will not be allowed on its highways starting in 2035. The companies don't want to buy any more trucks because they will be worth zero in only 14 years. Besides, there are no electric trucks. Catch 22.

Biden said he would get the National Guard to drive the trucks. Well, not only don't they know how, and don't want to, and would have to stop doing their full time jobs, but Biden has no such authority. "Rotsa ruck," dumbass Biden.

It's a perfect storm.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.