
Funny to hear you mention not liking authority.
Get you've had a few moments. Thing is, they are like
mules. You can't force them. But if you can make it their idea?
You can't stop them!


Trained over the road for several years,
in other jobs also.

Everyone is an individual, no hard and fast rules, but..
Military guys were interesting.
Ones that drove military trucks were the most difficult to teach.
Automatics would help that, they are used to them.
Most dam sure struggled with a Roadranger.
They could kinda back up.
Proximity. Sure couldn't get straight between the lines, lined up on a dock.
And their experience was a hindrance to learning.

Another issue was the unpredictability of the job.
Load assignment was the most local pickup, that best fit your hours.
If you lived in Pa and delivered in Pittsburgh on Wednesday,
you might get the Dallas load to deliver Friday.

No idea when you got home, no idea when you left home until you got
that load home. Next week😂😂😂😂!

A surprising number couldn't deal with that at all.

Can just imagine handing a cross section of Guardsmen the keys and
making them long haul.

Could be made work, maybe.
Linehaul, like LTL. Out and back.
No customers, no backing.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!