Nobody can know how much id like to see drivers stick together.

Years ago was running dump for a farmer. I had worked for the
family for over a decade off and on. From a kid in school to a married guy,
If I was out of work, they had work that needed done. I was going to a factory
job and Bill said, "Don't think you will like it. Truck drivers and farmers are
a lot alike. Independent, used to working alone and unsupervised. Making
your own decisions."

Though a minute.

"You are right. They are independent, and strong willed. But, they are
also fools. They grow the nation's food or move everything of value.
They are among the most important professions in the country.
And yet, they are continually crapped on. Their expenses continually
rise, their unit prices fall. In response, they work harder. More cows,
more fields, more miles, heavier weights, longer lengths. They hold
the nation's balls in their hands, while being crapped on. They should just
squeeze, but instead they get squeezed."

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!