Yeah, they only had a small sample of what....235,000,000....I talk to people in India several times
a week & based on what I have been told, Ivermectin saved a lot of lives. There is no down-side,
unlike the spike protein gene therapy people are being forced to be inoculated with presently. The
only downside is there is no money to be made from it since the patent protection ran out years ago
& with no profit motivation none of the pharmaceutical companies will spend the money to get it approved.
Alberta Health Services will do & say what they are told. The medical mafia is losing the narrative & they
know it.

"Both observational trial data and “real world” data sources need careful evaluation using
these key principles of review: expert peer review of evidence, assessment of errors in
reporting, assessment of due scientific diligence, and careful consideration of
confounders. These principles have not been applied to this data.
• This observational data is much lower quality evidence compared with randomized trials
(which also can vary in quality and require assessment). There is variability in
assessment of infection rates and outcome reporting at a population level, as well as
• Multiple sources suggest the infection rate and death toll of COVID-19 in India in
general, and Uttar Pradesh in particular, has been underestimated and current
transmission is likely lower because of post infection immunity in survivors given prior
waves of the pandemic