
Just loving this thread and agreeing with everyone.

I always thought as a hobbyist rodbuilder I was ahead of, maybe even WAY ahead of, the technology of the day, but rod technology is getting so much better that I am just in the pack now..... Well mebbe just a little ahead.

As to fly reels, yeah I actually use the old martin tuna can reels, and the Medalists, and Hardy's as well as the newer CNC machined aluminum reels.

But my some of my heirloom flies date back over 100 years, and poppers over 70. I still fish them all, with never a thought about old age: just appreciation for those before me, my ancestors.

Anyway glad to see there are a lotta folks out there that love this sport in the way we do.

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough