Originally Posted by krp
Good works like helping your fellow man is a natural byproduct of following Christ, it can't be taught or forced, it just is.


Brother Kent;
Top of the morning to you my cyber friend and brother, I hope it's a good day for you folks down in your area and all in your wonderful family are doing okay.

Way, way back when, Billy Graham came to Vancouver for a crusade and of course the local TV station sent some keener reporter down to interview him and possibly find some fatal flaw to expose.

As I recall, Billy Graham and about 6 other folks went down to a local grocery store, picked up a van load of groceries, went to a local food bank and then Billy Graham spent at least an hour talking to the folks there - both the ones working and the folks coming to receive the food.

The reporter more or less quietly said they were pretty moved by the whole experience.

I've read Franklin Graham's book back when too, might still have it in fact. When the girls were little we got involved supporting Samaritan's Purse, especially Operation Christmas Child and we still do. I'm not sure that the girls don't too now that I think about it.

Anyways, a little town two valleys over had a catastrophic flood a couple springs ago Kent and naturally the part of town containing a mobile home park which was build on a flood plain got savaged. Funny how any natural disaster seems to hit the mobile home parks, you know?

Before any Canadian government whatever was in helping and before the Canadian Red Cross - there were boots on the ground from Samaritan's Purse helping folks there. They were helping with clean up, food, whatever they could.

Again the local news station out of Kelowna came away impressed.

That's all I know about that Brother Kent, which admittedly isn't much.

As you said, we're all human and most days I'm "extremely human" and struggle to keep my own life between the ditches. Some of my fellow humans do a much better job assisting other fellow humans than I do, that much I'm sure of Kent.

I'll add Franklin Graham to the list of folks I pray for daily for sure.

All the very best to you all as we head into cooler and much shorter days.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"