Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by TF49
Well, I happen to,think that the foundation of “belief in the one True God” came from God Himself and through the Son, Jesus.

The Bible didn’t exist like it does today when Jesus established His Church.

Having said that, I love Scriptire and believe it is the inspired by God and useful for us in understanding.

Take your comment “belief in God came from the Bible.” I would ask how Abram came to believe in God? He did not have the Bible yet had saving faith.

Allegory, all of it. And all of it includes Satan.
So yes, I believe the writings in the Bible are true, just not literal like you and others do. Prove factually that there is a God out there, meaning outside of yourself.

Just you and Just God….keep it simple. You can choose to seek God or not. Your choice on whether or not you seek God depends more on man’s pride and self sufficiency than it does on some intellectual “proof.”

You will reject the truth about God as long as you let “yourself” get in the way.

The heavens declare the glory of God. The evidence for His existence is seen in His creation. But, you may be one of those who somehow thinks this universe “came from nothing.” Plato figured it long ago.

Also note, that the Pharisees were there when Jesus performed miracles, yet they rejected Him as the “Son of God.” They had “proof” and chose to discount it. Many today do likewise.

This matter between you and God…. It is only between you and God. You are perfectly capable of choosing to dismiss evidence and reject truth. Your choice.

But do remember, God is near to you and wants you to turn your face toward Him. He will answer.

The honest seeker finds.

Edit to add: For an interesting reading, search “Plato Cave” and “Quotes Aristotle”

Last edited by TF49; 11/21/21.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”