Shortfinger...Haven't hunted Honey Creek but have been on the other one, Guad Rvr, next door couple times & used to be some tripod stands almost right up to the HC fence on it's west side. I understand at HC you'll need a game cart to get your critter out by yourself, and since I usually hunt solo at my age @ 77, that's can be a problem if you get into a "shooting war. One year we saw a guy take 6 yearling WT does out of the N/W Tent Camp area....over a 1 1/2 day hunt. The west fence line of Guad Rvr used to have a game farm across from it that would have
WT's hang out in the Tent Area back when campers could put out corn in the camping area. Not s'psed to be kosher now days last I heard Google an aerial map to see the topography ....and hopefully you can draw the N'west corner on the ridge across from the Park Mgr's house to the north or a little bit to the south across from the Water & Sewage Plant or just uphill from the Children's Garden on the west side of the HC fence real close to river...Hog's Luv that place. BTDT on the west side of HC's fence and scored good couple times still in smelling distance south of the Utilities.

IMO The one to draw is the one across the river for EXO's and it's almost as hard to draw as SLRSP, Kerrville & Mason Mtn and I keep trying too for good reason.... several EXO game ranch's up river and when the river floods the Exo critters swim down river and stay there on the NORTH side of the river to avoid the crowds on the south side at Guad Rvr SP.

Almost forgot, it's worth your time to go down a day or 2 early and hike the big place, find the horse watering station and go east to N/S fence line, then go north on the foot trail all the way to the river .
FWIW Guadalupe River SP is/was the #1 destination for Day Use entry's out of all the TP&W System SP's...and sometimes can look like a convention hall giving way $$'s had come to town...great campground facility's help too.

Last edited by sakoron; 11/21/21. Reason: clarity