Originally Posted by ingwe
Im like a lot of others here....I havent gone anywhere unarmed since I was 18

Been in a couple touchy situations but giving up my liberty or my arms never entered my mind.

All in all these parts are pretty low risk. The OP was an aberration. But a young boy disappeared from his paper route at about that same time period in a town about twenty miles away. All they ever found was his bike and papers along the street.

As to going armed, I was fifty before I ever owned a handgun. It was a 7 1/2 inch SBH in 41 mag. Grpwing up, of six uncles and aunts and 24 cousins, one uncle owned a Colt Trooper revolver. But it was more of a conversation piece or grouse shooter than meant for self defense.

Finally a couple of my cousins bought a couple revolvers in the mid seventies.

Yes, I do own carry capable weapons today. But I very seldom take them out of the safe. As others have said, often trouble can be avoided if one does not go looking for it.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.