So in a real-world fight...... A skateboard has proven ineffective but it was available. Moot now. Grab whatever weapon is available when you need it. What hasn't been mentioned is situational awareness. That is #1. Never put your back to the door or any other blind spot. Get away at any cost unless it involves saving someone. Get the upper-hand and use it. Fight to kill if there is no other option. A stick won't win a gunfight. The correct attitude will. As has been said, a little training will go a long ways. BJJ, wrestling, boxing, whatever you have in your area. Most of these punks are just that and look for an easy target. Don't be an easy target.
Carry yourself like someone who shouldn't be messed with. That works 90 percent of the time whether you're 15 or 75.

Last edited by White_Bear; 11/27/21.

Do not feed the bear!

White Bear sometimes treads on thin ice...