These old stories are fun.. But in most cases they are about some old timer who lived in the country with unlimited time to hunt... I knew one of these guys in my youth .. He kept his family fed on wild game.. Legal or other wise.. First he used a model 94 .30/30. He had a chance to pick up a 99.300 Savage. He didn't hesitate, it was his rifle, the kids got the .30-30s.. Then the 06 became more common in that area.. First chance he picked one of those up..

The residents in the far north used to use .22 Hornets and .222s for big game lots of ammo in a small package.. If game got away there is always another one.. This is JOC's writing.

Sure a .308 with kill elk.. One old rancher of my youth shot elk with his 722 .222. Ear shot in his hay fields late summer early winter.. Come season it was an 06 later a .264.. Another friend told me he had shot 150 elk with his .243.. They were shot in the ear while eating on his hay stacks in winter.. Meat was given to folks that needed it.. Hunting on his own, .270 or .300WM..

Molon Labe