Originally Posted by Jim_Knight
I killed my first cow elk in '95 and I used a 7 inch Cold Steel Recon Tanto (the old Carbon V steel) to field dress, rip up the brisket and all, and it would still shave hair afterward! ha It was great for that job. I didn't split the pelvis, reamed the rectum.

I dont know what goofy Outdoor writer started the idea that a short knife was better....I fell for it for years

I prefer a 6 to 7" blade for field dressing for that very reason reaming the rectum.

Then followed by an unzipping with the Wyoming knife.

Then up the brisket with the big knife...reach in and cut the wind pipe loose and never let go of the wind pipe until you stand up.
With a few more cuts on the diaphragm I can stand up with the deers entire entrails in my hand in short order.

4" blades are great for trimming your nails, whittling and working the hide off and light trimming.....

See how many butchers you can find that use a snub nose knife.