This happened to me as well. I picked up a .243 700 from our DNR confiscate auction a few years ago. While sighting in a scope it went off upon closing the bolt.
I called Remington and gave the serial number, they said it was not on the recall list but send it back anyway. I did send it with hopeful instructions on the new trigger pull weight.
Remington nailed it. New trigger is perfect with no creep. They also re-blued it. While gone those 6 weeks I had the stock gone over. Today it’s one of the prettiest and most accurate guns in my gun room.
The only thing off now is the bolt did not get re-blued. That’s going to Ahlmans soon to be finished up.
Remington certainly did right by me.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.