Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
There are just so many variables that unless every review is a book
of facts, it's hard to judge based on someone's report.

The huge variables are how one hunts, where the place the bullets,
And their expectation of results.

So many speak smugly about bullet placement.
As if to infer they are Super Snipers and others can't shoot.
But shooting ribs is different than shoulders.
Some are able to head, spine shoot. I usually can't, or don't try.
Sometimes have to.

And results....
I expect to see at least half die. With rib shots.
Over 125 yards? Too far.
Under 75 is way preferable.

Those expectations alone can completely change everything.

Maybe I should have put in my initial post….

Most hunting situations I’ll be 150 yards and in. I’m in Alabama, and most shots are on food plots or in the woods, so unless I’m on a clear cut, I really have no where to stretch it out.

Secondly, I’m a rib shooter. I teach the kids to put it in the crease. Shoulder shots are accidental, but do happen. 270 and ‘06 usually anchors them on a shoulder shot, and I expect the 6.5 will also. I’m colorblind though, so 2 holes bleeding is always better than 1 hole bleeding just a bit.