Originally Posted by T_O_M
To the OP, to the initial question, I think yes. I do not think you can accept salvation without understanding the need for it. I don't think you can understand the need for salvation without truly understanding your own sin nature. I do not believe you have to confess them to mortal man. I do think you have to put them on the table before God, to "own" them before Him, before you can truly ask for forgiveness for them.


Thanks Tom.
In case you didn't read my posts on the subject, I just want to leave you with my personal view on this subject.
I believe in repentance too.
There's a distinction that must be made by the use and context.
First, the word "repent" doesn't mean "turn from your sins."
God repented many times and we know that God does not sin.
As the term applies to salvation I will provide the short video below.