Originally Posted by clockwork_7mm
Originally Posted by 10gaugemag
Sounds like he didn't care for the condition of the bore after he punched it to .338.

I assume the only choice was to leave a schitty bore or clean it up to something else and hope that bore diameter worked out.

I guess I would rather have it as he did it as opposed to a bad rebore job.

Lookimg like it's time to find another barrel or sell the rifle and buy another to be rebored.

Initially I just assumed he went from 243 to 358 after measuring/inspecting. But if he went 243 to 338 and didn't think it was functional/safe, the jump to 358 makes a lot more sense.

Or he too late discovered he'd grabbed the wrong reamer. Chit happens. The job is completed, money refunded. A free rebore! If this is the case, or the 338 didn't meet standards, a good solution, tho a phone call should have been made, IMO.

Someone will buy it....

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.