I will go with my experience, and my data and observation, because I don't trust "the data".
I am suggesting a 60-70% reduction of game in my area, based on my observation. I am normally in the bush everyday, a bush I have been my entire life. It is not my observation alone, but the combining of observations of others who have the ability to extrapolate the obvious signs of Ungulate decline.

I have seen area's you could easily see 3-5... 4 point Mule deer a day, 24"-30" bucks... to seeing none in a day just 2 years later, finding several carcasses a day from Wolves. Or area's where we used to put 2 Whitetail bucks in the freezer every year to not putting one in the freezer in 6 years, not seeing any at all.

Black Bears are bad too, if you only shoot boars, same with Cougar's...you haven't done anything to help Ungulates, the opposite really as the boars will hopefully prey on the baby Bears lol. I have a friend who isn't a hunter, he will gleefully watch a Bear kill 10-15 fawns a day from his kitchen window and not think past that.

Regulated hunters hopefully don't shoot females unless regulated to do so, Wolves do kill females, not sure how science is to work when that happens?

I view Wolf lovers with suspicion, pure and simple.