Corona has been way over hyped in the media. Anyone believing that a cheap paper or cloth mask is going to stop the spread is foolish. I’m not vaxed and see Covid as the biggest tool for government overreach in my lifetime. Having said all that and that I hate hearing it referred to as a pandemic. It is more than just a cold for most people. For most it’s at least closer to a flu and for a small percentage it’s deadly or very near deadly. Continuing to pretend that it’s literally not one bit different from a typical common cold isn’t being honest.

My wife’s 41 years old and in great health, she’s a health and fitness freak that will never admit to being sick. She spent about four days living and sleeping on the couch almost 24/7 with severe muscle aches only getting up to use the bathroom with Covid. Her best friends husband is in his mid 40’s and in good health spent two weeks in the hospital on oxygen with Covid. My best childhood buddies 50 year old wife whom was overweight but had no other health problems that I’m aware of died in her sleep from Covid. For me it was very comparable to the flu for a week.

I believe it isn’t going away, it generally has an extremely high survival rate and we should all go about living our lives. On the other hand pretending that it’s literally a common cold, it may be for a small percentage but for most it’s varying degrees of worse than that. People that want to overplay it or downplay it for an agenda both do a disservice.