Well to be fair to the original poster, I have avoided getting a NIB 100yr Anniversary 30-06 Stainless Fluted CDL. I like the look and think it would make a fine hunting rifle. But...if I ever bought it, I would have a devil of time making myself take it out. Weird thing is, if I bought a used one with even just 1 round through it, I'd likely have no issues hunting with it.

Another example from my personal life: I inheirited my great-grandfather's Marlin 30-30. It functions fine, but I'd never hunt with it, but I love owning it.

So to answer the original question: What would give you more enjoyment, having it all beautiful in your safe or hunting with it? That's not sarcasm either. I used to collect coins and enjoyed it very much. And you can't do anything with a coin collection except take it out and look at it. I know a couple guys that do that with rifles and are very happy. Just owning a pristine rifle gives them enjoyment.

Do what makes you happy! It's YOUR rifle.


"Let's Roll!" - Todd Beamer 9/11/01.