I don’t advocate the use , don’t feel sorry for them , just pointing out it is a fact of life in everyone’s lives .
Not meaning that you are a doper , but you can bet your azz someone close to you has at least experimented with the shiet .
Have seen fools flush a career over dope , reminds me of the idiots that win the lottery and then go buy a boat load of dope and go to prison when they had the world in their hands .

Support the cartels ? What you figure they had ? An eight ball , maybe .
Give me a fugging break , everybody that drinks a beer or shot should be stripped of their DL cause the MFer is a full blown drunk .
Figure it was a let’s get loose night , dumbazzes that honk the shiet everyday are soon found out .
As far as discipline goes , depends who’s their parents . Hunter being a perfect example .
That’s another factor that plays into every level of society .
Have been around this shiet at work and immediate family , everyday users and drinkers can’t hide it unless you got your head buried .
I don’t look at the world through rose colored glass .