Hmm...1/8" of skin and an inch of ribs to get to the vitals. Yup, the .25 is way too light, but the .270 is great with 10 grains more bullet weight. I never understood that thinking. Elk are bullet proof, especially for guys that have never hunted them. I have lived with them and hunted them since I was a kid. I have killed large and small bulls, as well as cows. I have used an assortment of rifles and the worthless bow and arrow. I don't know how many I have killed. They just aren't hard to kill! I have watched them drop on the spot hit with .243's and .25-06's. Two last year didn't go 100 yards after taking an arrow. Make a bad hit and it doesn't matter what you shoot them with. I personally know a guy that hunts them with a .375 HH. He has lost two bulls for two shots! Shot placement, shot placement, shot placement. Yes, .30-06 is a better choice, but the gentleman asked if the .25-06 was enough for elk. It most certainly is when GOOD bullets and marksmanship are practiced. Flinch

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