Originally Posted by Seafire
I had no reaction to the shots or had any covid symptoms....being a former Paramedic, Nurse and Army Corpsman, I'd have had a general idea..

about 2 to 3 months after the second shot, I did have an episode of my Blood pressure starting to go ALL over the MAP....
it would go up and it would go way down low....

went to the ER... first time since when I was in the service, and those times were because I was working in the ER...

Also being a 54 Echo in the Army, I had a big distrust for the "shots", the Feds were pushing...

won't get into that, but there is plenty of ways to blame it all on a runaway government....aka "The Swamp"... especially democRats....

I am sure my 48 hours of blood pressure going up and down like a Ferris Wheel, was because of the shots...

who knows what they put in those things as an agent...doctors at the ER didn't seem too concerned about it at all tho...
that got me suspect also...

No matter how you cut it... I still think it was ALL a politically created "Plandemic" world wide.....

to much training on this type of stuff back in the 70s and early 80s, to think otherwise....

Good boy, very coherent narrative