Tmich If I may ask what lake or lake area in Ontario? I have guided northwestern Ontario all my life if your heading that way. I’ve never really gone east towards Thunder Bay or beyond.
Rods are rods in the heavier sets to me, sounds like you have chosen well. I think in the price range the Revo series of reels may be a good choice? Folks in my boat like those a lot.
As I’ve gotten long of tooth I’ve put the bait casters aside more and more and for pike up there a good medium heavy/heavy spinning rod in 7-7’6” does very well. So easy with the flip of a wrist to send a lure out to the waiting fish.
There are weed beds in many lakes and if you get into them move your boat quietly over and work your fish out. Sometimes your in boulders but again work the fish out and your fine. Nice to work lighter gear with patience than the heavy stuff.
Most important is asking ahead of time about all the fish where your going. Knowing the bait fish will tell you exactly where to fish and a lot of times how to fish.
Sure hope you do well.

A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.