Originally Posted by JMR40
When my dad cashed his last paycheck before leaving for boot camp in 1942 he got a $2 bill. Even then they weren't common. He decided to keep it as a good luck charm and carried it through the war. After he got home he was pulled over for speeding. These were the days when you paid on the spot, or went to jail and paid the judge later. Dad didn't quite have enough cash to pay the fine unless he included his $2 bill.

He explained the story behind the $2 bill and told the officers that he would bring in 2 more dollars the next day if they would save that bill and return it to him. They thanked dad for his service, tore up the ticket and let him go. Dad still had that $2 bill in his wallet when he died in 2013. I have it now.

A couple of years ago I made photo copies of that $2 bill and typed up the story behind it on the same sheet of paper. I gave copies along with a new $2 bill to my kids and grandkids. We all now carry a $2 bill for good luck just as my dad did all those years.

And the last time I paid for something with a $2 bill, the kid at the register tried to give me change for a $20.

Thanks for sharing. I love hearing stories like that. It really was your father's lucky $2 bill.