Okay, made me look.

Been so long since I saw one in circulation, wasn’t sure if they still made them. Went to Wickeydickey and they’re still cranking them out since re-introducing them as Federal Reserve Notes in 1976. I have a couple in one of my “treasure boxes”.

From Wiki:

“The relative scarcity of the $2 bill in everyday circulation has led to confusion at points of sale, as well as overreaction by merchants and even attempted prosecution of the individual trying to tender the bill.

In 2005, a man in Baltimore, Maryland, was jailed for attempting to use $2 bills that the store and local police incorrectly thought were counterfeit because of smeared ink on some of the bills.[44]

In 2016, a 13-year-old girl in Texas was detained by police for attempting to use a $2 bill to pay for lunch in her school's cafeteria. The bill, a series 1953 red seal, while still legal tender, was old enough that the school's counterfeit pen would not work on it,[45] as the chemical properties of the paper used for United States currency prior to 1960 are such that a counterfeit pen is unable to prove whether or not the bill is genuine.[46]”

What fresh Hell is this?