We actually agree on a lot of things.

The big clue for those that can't see the forest for the trees is the overall lack of prosecutions and consequences for what happened in 20.

That alone signals a lot to me. If the rinos were concerned about it, things would be happening on a larger scale. They are not too concerned, they are in on it. Right before our very eyes.

Our problem lies in the fact that unlike the revolutionary war where the leaders were already in high positions, were men of principle, and wanted a "Free country" for the citizenry to prosper in without goverment shackles, our "leaders" now are against us. I'm not proposing this but
something akin to an Oper. Humming.... would have to transpire for a real change. The left openly flaunts no respect for law and order, no sense of proper decorum and respect for anyone or anything that is not in direct agreement with their views and opinions. There is no changing their minds.
I do not believe they are a majority of the country, they are a small but very vocal bunch with the MSM and the majority of the swamp on their side.
Most God fearing Americans just want to live in peace and go about their lives.

"Aim right, squeeze light"
" Might as well hit what you're aiming at, it kicks the same whether you miss or not"