The pattern of crisis exploitation is clear from the Left. Whichever voting demographic is perceived as being in danger, mass riots will be deployed to encourage that demographic's Democrat Party loyalty through intimidation and fear. Trump was making too much progress with minorities so the rent a thug mobs were deployed after the Floyd fiasco. I think that before this election, the focus will be on women. The stronghold on women's votes was deteriorating when they took the side of woke school boards over mothers. So mysteriously, the abortion documentation was leaked and the nationwide protests ensue. I assume this latest shooting will be added to the crisis queue. The narrative will be that mothers can't protect their children against angry white male supremacists with fully automatic assault rifles and 100 round magazines. And once again, the Left will put the entire country through more pain in order to preserve their power because that's all that matters to them.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.