Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Satan's game is to get you to believe in anything that's against Jesus. These 'ghosts' are his demons, sent to deceive you. Yes, many times people have seen spirits, haints, whatever you want to call them, but none of them are departed souls. They're Satan's followers deceiving you.


What’s the deception, and if it’s from Satan, why?

A person sees something, call it a ghost or spirit. The spirit/ghost doesn’t say or do anything. The person who saw it only has a story to tell that they saw something.

It would be different if the ghost/spirit said, go kill your cat and drinks it’s blood. Then sure, maybe it’s a demon. But just a sighting of a something that didn’t speak - To me that’s reaching to say it’s 100% satanic.

Change my mind.

Jesus said that there is no contact between the living and the dead. If Satan can convince you that there there is, then he's convinced you that Jesus was wrong, that he's imperfect, and he is not God.
The case of Samuel appearing to Saul was a special case. As Jesus said, with God all things are possible. God has the power to make the impossible possible. He impossibly brought Jesus back from the dead, did he not? God also impossibly made dead believers appear when Jesus died on the cross. They were seen walking around Jerusalem. We aren't given any information what that was all about other than it happened. It was another special case of God exercising his infinite power to do the impossible.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.