Originally Posted by JoeBob
I personally believe that there are many dimensions. And that time as we perceive it is merely an illusion. That is to say we can only experience it one way. Other being might be able to move back and forth on a timeline. God can see all of time and all of creation laid out before him. He can see everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen laid out before him as the great NOW. Thus it is all happening simultaneously to him. And perhaps, other beings as well are more perceptive of this and able to move in other dimensions more freely. I believe the spirit world is largely just that, another dimension with beings who inhabit it like we inhabit ours.

I quite agree. As for the bolded piece, this is why He announced himself to Moses as "I AM".

Eternal beings that are not tethered to the unilateral time-stream of the universe, unlike we humans in this corporeal life, have a hard time grasping this. Other eternal beings who have never been tied to the physical universe as we are can presumably experience eternity as a single moment; so it's certainly possible that a human spirit that has been released by death may appear to be "stuck" to a place like a haunted house or a battlefield. Whether it's a different "dimension" or simply a different viewpoint of one cohesive universe is, to my mind, not a big distinction.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars